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The Student Polyclinic received a donation of an advanced ultrasound machine.

Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Project Cost: 25,0000

Donation: Mindray C-60 ultrasound system with three probes

SAMA’s gift of an Mindray DC-60 ultrasound machine, valued at more than $25,000, is set to improve healthcare access for more than 25,000 female students at the University of Belgrade.  Lack of essential medical equipment has long been a challenge for the Polyclinic, hindering its ability to provide comprehensive care to its diverse student population– especially female students. 

“By reducing patient waiting times and offering cost- effective healthcare solutions, this donation represents a substantial investment in the well-being of our patients and the sustainability of our healthcare services,” said Prim Dr. Marija Obradović, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Acting Director of the Institution at Belgrade’s Student Polyclinic in a letter to SAMA. “We extend our sincere gratitude to SAMA and all supporters for their invaluable contribution toward advancing women’s healthcare in Belgrade.”

The ultrasound facilitates quick and precise diagnoses, allowing examination of a large number of patients on short notice, and simplifying determination of correct therapy. Its high resolution enables better visualization of uterine structure, detection of benign and malignant ovarian diseases, fibrocystic breast changes, and monitoring the morphology and development of the fetus during pregnancy. 

Additionally, the donation will result in significant cost savings for female students. 

● On average, 2,000 ultrasound examinations are performed annually at the Polyclinic. Its previous ultrasound machine was extremely old and not in operation for repair.

● The out-of-pocket cost for women will be significantly lowered by this donation:

    ○ On average, ultrasound examinations cost 1,200 RSD through Serbia’s Republic Fund of Health Insurance.

    ○ At private facilities, ultrasound examinations can cost anywhere between 3,000 and 15,000 RSD.

    ○ This represents a total savings of anywhere between 3.6 million to 27.6 million RSD.

“Our goal is to ensure that every female student in Belgrade has access to the healthcare they need and deserve. As a father of five daughters and the brother of two sisters, that is something I strongly believe.” Dr. Ivan Aksentijevich, President of SAMA, emphasized the importance of providing equal healthcare access to female students, saying “By donating to this cause, we are not only investing in their health but also empowering them to succeed in their academic, professional and family pursuits.” 

Tank you email mail from Dr. Mila:Paunic

“In the Viber group of our employees (which was formed during the COVID epidemic), beautiful and touching messages have been flowing all afternoon. There is a warmth and gratitude to everyone who helped with the purchase of this ultrasound machine. In times when the capacity to understand others’ troubles is slowly diminishing, primarily due to being overwhelmed by our own, this wonderful gesture of our people united in the organization ALONE seems even more sublime. I convey the thanks of many who are sending messages at this moment – because I forwarded this news published by Tanjug and a few more pictures from my phone.

Warm regards, 

