Филтер Пројецтс

Донације домовима здравља на Косову и Метохији

Location: Kosovo and Metohia
Project Cost: US$5,300
Година: 2019

1. Gracanica:

Our tour started in Gračanica, where we met with bishop Teodosije, Dr. Zvonko Starcevic, our trip leader and Protinica Svetlana who leads the humanitarian organization “Majka Devet Jugovića”. Masks in hand, to be returned immediately after the photo was taken! 

2. Goraždevac and Velika Hoča:

In Goraždevac to visit the health center in Peć. Here, we met with Dr. Stanislava Radović and also delivered an ECG, microscope, stethoscopes and blood pressure monitors, which were donated on behalf of SAMA. We also went to Velika Hoča where we met with Dr. Vlada Pavlović, and delivered stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, and pulse oximeters.

3. Pasjane:

In Kosovsko Pomoravlje, which is home to over 30,000 Serbs, mainly in Gračanica and surrounding areas, but also in numerous enclaves.  The hospital in Pasjane is, for the most part, well equipped to meet the needs of their patients. The hospital facility itself is also in relatively good shape. However, they currently do not have an x-ray machine, and patients normally have to travel to have imaging done elsewhere. SAMA would like to work towards procuring a portable x-ray machine for the hospital, which would cost approximately 90,000 euros, and make a huge difference in patient-care. 
